Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Meatrix Summary Blog 3.4 not finished

The Meatrix
The meatrix is about how a pig named leo comes across a cow named moopheus and moopheus askes him if he wants to know what the meatrix is. Leo is giving a choice the red pill to enter the meatrix and the blue people to live the life he has already known. Leo decides to take the red pill and discovers the real world of the meatrix. It shows how meat is processed Leo gets fed up with what he as seen and been told. He soon gets extremely mad and askes moopheus how can they put an end to this

The meattrix II Revolting
The meatrix is about how in two years changed how people see the meatrix different by not supporting it and getting healthier food because they realize where and how how food is. Leo Chickity and moopheus continue their quest to stop the meatrix

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Net is the Real World 3.3

The article The net is the real world shows us that the net  brings out the realness in people if your not careful and especially with people you think you know.
The net is the real world by Jake Simms and Larry Magid is about how one college student Tyler  Clementi ,who  askes his colleagues for some private time in their dorm till midnight. His request was granted but not his privacy of his roommates had secretly placed a webcam that showed Tyler made out with another guy and was leaked out into the internet .Tyler found out about his roommates stunt and was devastated that he posted a goodbye post on his facebook status and jumped off a bridge into the river where he was discovered dead the following day.”The internet shows tons of graphics of people doing things they wouldn’t do in person” states John Suler. Things that are on the net can ruin a person reputation. How far do we have to go to ask for a little bit of privacy that it’s even leaked onto the internet?
I believe as much as we wanted to have our own privacy we can’t have due to the people and their lack of respect. Now that the internet is more advance with technology anything can happened to anyone and anything. For instants webcams  people can be turn them on and leave them on without  noticing or they can use them to make threats or even farewell videos who ever decides to commit suicide or even in this case invasion of privacy.
Its  funny how you get to know one person and as you try to trust them with anything or ask for a little favor they go behind you back and that’s when you feel like you been betrayed and might lead you to do something you wouldn’t think people would think? Tyler Clementi felted this. As much as this is a sad tragedy, we realize that privacy is never granted when it is asked for. It is either betrayed or exposed, little do we know maybe to the world.
As much as useful or fun the net might be it’s a cruel and dangerous world because of the people that don’t have consideration. We hackers, and c yberbullies that really have no respect for privacy or even respect for themselves for that matter that they go out of their own misery and destroy other people’s lives without noticing or just doing it as a prank and probably boredom.
Invasion of privacy is a huge issue now in days that we have to be careful with the people we talk to or where we are located. As for Tyler Clementi , he took his own life due to lack of privacy and as much as we think we know people and the internet plus technology, We really have no clue. It makes you think how much trust you have in a person don’t  you?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Linkin Park - Crawling/ artifact 1

                  In class our professor had put on a movie i havent seen in the longest, The matrix. when the movie was over and on my way home for some odd reason  i wanted to listen to one of my favorite groups linkin park and their song crawling. As im on the train i started to relax and really paid mind to what the song was trying to say.Thats when it hit me when listened to the song it says "Crawling in my skin These wounds they will not heal Fear is how I fall Confusing what is real" I saw nothing but the matrix pop into my head and question myself do we really exist in the world we think we live in? Do we really have wounds if we recovery from them? Then it goes There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface Consuming/confusing This lack of self-control I fear is never ending Controlling/I can't seem.I thought of this as no one can really control themselves if you think about yeah they might have some self control but everyone needs help.Now what am i thinking or how does relate to reality from illusion Take a minute to close your eyes and daze off, now come back, don't you every get that feelin when you space out and come back from where ever your mind was from you question yourself or even look at yourself in the mirror to i really exist. then you start to feel your surrounds to make sure your living the life that you are. For example, When your having a bad day and you close your eyes and say to yourself please let thsi be just a dream or when your sleeping and when your drreaming your dream felted so real you wake up and go whoa did that just really happened? Everythime i hear this i always question myself and everything that surrounds me. Hey call me crazy but haven't you ever question the unknown? Try it sometime

The Truman syndrome 2.2 editing in progress

Thursday, October 14, 2010

blog 2.1 The Innocent and The Orphan/ editing

Innocent Archetype -Best know as a caring child who believes in nothing but good intensions. the innocent one is always dependenable on people and is in need of guidence through life.I chose Percious Moments as an atrifact for the innocent archetype simply because they a