Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cat Day Predictor Blog 4.4

Its  5:06 waiting for my next class or should I say the path to my way out of Eng099 a.k.a The CATW. As I'm waiting with my good friend Enrique he tells me its just a stroll in the park and i got this in the bag. That i should relax and take it easy. I was still so focused because earlier today i had tooken a Math test that i had done well in since im not brilliant on that perticular subject. I took his advice because he took the same test as well Monday afternoon. "Do you feel you learned alot in your class?" he asked. "Yeah, better then i started.""Welllllll What the heck you worrying about?" He's got a point, If i never put as much effort into the catw practice as i did i probably wouldn't know what to write at all even if the let us used our phones....who am i kidding. It was finally time to take the test and i had enriques words in my mind. I saw Barbara and raissa both waiting as well i stood next to them wishing them luck. Two students i come close friends with. I hear Smith giving us last minute prep talk and telling us we're all going to do fine. As i go into the room we are all each assigned a seat. Proctors Tell us our instructions and we start. An hour and a half later i walk out knowing i did good. All i gotta do is wait til next week to be certain.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is Google making us stupid? Cat 6 Blog 4.3

“Is Google making us stupid?” shows us that Google in our minds maybe be the best source for our mind to look up information but in all reality we’re learning absolutely nothing from it. We only gain information for a short amount of time that we actually never put our minds and really research what we look for. We devote our time to a web source when it’s only a distraction and putting a road block in our brains from real learning. Then again who really has time to intake every information they get . it’s not like their going to remember it anyways.
 “Is Google making us stupid?” by Nicholas Carr is about how Google is such the greatest web source that gives us information to just about anything you can thing of but on the other hand we the people never really intake the information and think about what it says or what it means all that matters to us is that we found what we’re looking for and that’s about it. Our mind takes in knowledge when we’re peaceful, and relaxed. The less peaceful we are, the less knowledge we gain. We’re so use to the internet that we never stop, stare and realize that we have a world of knowledge to learn from, we’re distracted with text messages and using the net other than using our minds and put it to a good use. The way to learn isn’t Google. Google is just an easy way out, to really open your mind to fresh useful data is stop depending on everything that gives it to you and think.
I believe that Nicholas Carr has a point when it comes to Google. We use it to much for almost everything we do. We use it at home, school, and even work. As much as I dislike to agree with this article, I do agree but then again I don’t. Suppose I only agree with this because it’s true that means I’m going to have to stop using my technology and knowing myself, I refuse to. I’m so attached to it I’ve become one with technology.  How else am I going to get information? Yes I know some information on the internet is false but then again there are official web pages that gives you the information you need.
I understand that yes we do use Google to look up things and never pay any mind to it, okay good point. Then again who really remembers everything they read anyways? You’d have to be the smartest person alive and have patience to sit down and read everything, which can take forever or maybe more because there are more things that are being discovered yet not enough time to really acknowledge it. Earth is getting advance every day, how are we suppose to know what’s happening if our technology is turned off?
Nicholas Carr states “If you’re really interested in developing your mind, you should turn off your computer and your cell phone—and start thinking.”  Okay we use Google way to much but then again some people do not have time to go out into the world and explore what their looking for maybe zoologist or geologist do but I’m taking about working people, People who have kids, who don’t have any money to travel.
"Is Google making us stupid? By Nicholas Carr shows us that Google is our easy way out and we never learn from anything we read. He states that we should learn on our own. he does have a vauluable point,but what he fails to realize is that everyday we're getting more advanced and there's a new discovery being discovered. it doesn't hurt to use the computer to look up things on Google, It's just we have to learn to gain knowledge from it.

Sleep Dealers 4.2

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Catw 5 4.1/ Rewired.

After  reading Rewired by Larry Rosen Ph.D, using technology as a teaching tool is a great method to learn. We all know that the young crowd is more often to pay mind if they're on a phone or computer rather than to learn from a teacher speaking and writing notes on a board.
Rewired by larry Rosen Ph.D is about how Larry Rosen really believes that the best way for preteens and teens to learn is throughtout technology like internet and cell phones. If they include school work with technology, most likely they would be needed to do work but have little interest by doing other things as long as the work gets complete. It states that the best formula to learn is 30 minutes of non teh with an hour of tech that is school work, or multitasking both. Teens may spend alot of time with friends and tech but as teens, thats how their social life is.. But using both tech with learning makes it exciting and makes everyone happy.

I believe that having technology as a tooling method is a great idea and I agree with Larry Rosen. Many teens now live on technology that it's impossible for them to go a day without. SO why not combine both. I know it's never allowed because because the department of education doesn't allow it but it's so boring to sit in a class especially with a dull teacher teaching you a subject you'll soon forget. Now combing both school and tech is the best move because we may relate.

Larry Rosen's formula of using tech for an hour and non tech for 30 minutes a good idea. I catch myself doing this all the time even in school. In my classes I use alot of internet using so why not multi-task a little fun with learning. I see other students do the same thing. I compare how I leanr to a regular classroom to a classroom that has computers,Outcome? Classrooms with tech made it interesting and doesn't make you snooze.

Larry Rosen States "  This is their social life and you cannot deny them that which helps them develop and grow." i couldn't said it better myself. Students or teens based their social life on mobile devices. Myself as a teen, I know what it's like because I grew up with technology era and I can say it's addicitng.

Rewired by Larry Rosen Ph.D shows that one person reached out and studied how us teens learn. The outcome Larry came up was great because it show that, thats the only way we teens pay mind . combing tech and learning makes everyone satisfied.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Catw 4 3.5

After reading the article Let them eat fat by Greg Crister, I believe that fast food is mostly the cause of our health problems. If we continue to keep eating this way, there will be a big chance that it's going to be even more harder to find places that are healthier then it already is.

Let them eat fat is an article about how our nation is runned by fast food. Mainly low income people purchase foods like mcdonalds because it's cheaper.It was said in Pasadena, California, the supersize orders are very popoular. Young black kids that come out of school make their way to mcdonalds and place an order. Within their order they supsersize and item .Meals are now rising in calories. A dietitian says teenagers consume more calories then they're required. Not only is the calories a porblem but the protiens they eat are fat.The higher the ratio goes if the young generation eat these sort of meals the lower the physical activities get per year.
It concerns me that the low income population has the highest problem but it doesn't surprise me. As the article stated young black kids consume fast foods, I believe this statement is true.Where I live I see alot of young kids come out of school and head into a fast food joint. I know because I was one of them. I'm not saying i've stopped  but I cut off fast food alot. I see how it's unhealthy and that I'm really physical active. I would understand why a dietitan would critsize so hard, look at what we let younger people eat.
As much as we want to believe that fast food has "healthy food" I find it very untrue. You kever know what addition ingredients they put . It's crazy how much the calories are going up and so are the carbohydrates. It should really be physical activties rising.
Advertising doesn't make the siutation better ethier.They state that they have healthy foods but its not really advertised and when you do go inside to place and order and look up on the menu its only a very small portion of the menu thats so called "healthy".I notice that when I step into a mcdonalds ,95% i see people eating a cheese burger fries and a soda , 5%  I see people eating a salad and a bottle water. Even with the the salad the salad dressing has tons of calories so it makes no sense at all. Might as well just order a regular combo of a burger fries and soda.
Fast food  has become badly popular according to Greg Critser and its true. Young crowds consuming wrong foods and being less active, bad idea. then they wonder why their so out of shape and tired all the time. they should reallty consider lots of fast foods and opening more healtheir places.