Thursday, November 4, 2010

Catw 4 3.5

After reading the article Let them eat fat by Greg Crister, I believe that fast food is mostly the cause of our health problems. If we continue to keep eating this way, there will be a big chance that it's going to be even more harder to find places that are healthier then it already is.

Let them eat fat is an article about how our nation is runned by fast food. Mainly low income people purchase foods like mcdonalds because it's cheaper.It was said in Pasadena, California, the supersize orders are very popoular. Young black kids that come out of school make their way to mcdonalds and place an order. Within their order they supsersize and item .Meals are now rising in calories. A dietitian says teenagers consume more calories then they're required. Not only is the calories a porblem but the protiens they eat are fat.The higher the ratio goes if the young generation eat these sort of meals the lower the physical activities get per year.
It concerns me that the low income population has the highest problem but it doesn't surprise me. As the article stated young black kids consume fast foods, I believe this statement is true.Where I live I see alot of young kids come out of school and head into a fast food joint. I know because I was one of them. I'm not saying i've stopped  but I cut off fast food alot. I see how it's unhealthy and that I'm really physical active. I would understand why a dietitan would critsize so hard, look at what we let younger people eat.
As much as we want to believe that fast food has "healthy food" I find it very untrue. You kever know what addition ingredients they put . It's crazy how much the calories are going up and so are the carbohydrates. It should really be physical activties rising.
Advertising doesn't make the siutation better ethier.They state that they have healthy foods but its not really advertised and when you do go inside to place and order and look up on the menu its only a very small portion of the menu thats so called "healthy".I notice that when I step into a mcdonalds ,95% i see people eating a cheese burger fries and a soda , 5%  I see people eating a salad and a bottle water. Even with the the salad the salad dressing has tons of calories so it makes no sense at all. Might as well just order a regular combo of a burger fries and soda.
Fast food  has become badly popular according to Greg Critser and its true. Young crowds consuming wrong foods and being less active, bad idea. then they wonder why their so out of shape and tired all the time. they should reallty consider lots of fast foods and opening more healtheir places.

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