Monday, December 13, 2010

My Final Project....Technology

 Call me tech Girl.As you can see by my Picture and following pictures I'm using three different types of technologies. A computer, and ipod.Well so far i only have this picture combing three. Technology is my future as well as everyone else's. I can only imagine when they stop using or making things with technologies.Oh the horrid! Im usually on "My Laptop" because its not really mines i just use it all the time more than the actual owner does. I see how i live with this and it relates to the movie called "The Matrix and also relates to my english class which revolves around the future. The future is now the future is everyone,everything,everywhere as morpheus states in the matrix. So apparently we are the matrix.
I know this is a silly picture of me but this is how our technology has changed. Instead of using a camera to take pictures ,Now they have implanted webcams in laptops so its a good two for one deal which has effects where you can crop and edit your photo's. At this moment i was listening to my itunes music library, too technical? Nahhhhh! THE FUTURE IS HERE I TELL YOU!
People ask me more like my mom"omg can't you g a day without that camera or those things your always on?" ummm no. Its like Neo never going down the rabbit hole and never seeing how deep it goes and sees the truth ill give it it to neo so props to you neo and thank you morpheus.
I see how everytime i go into my Eng099 i see people check their emails before class starts. yeah tech take over.
Now This technology right here is pure genius. Now its a combination of everything I need.Pictures music internet etc. Awesome much.Okay so now you know I'm totally obsessed with everything that has to do with technology. It could be anything down to a phone but yeah my life equals technology.Don't judge me. Everyone has their Fetish. This is my Fetish! Long Live Technology! I just hope out future doesn't turn out like the movie The Terminator. 

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