Thursday, September 30, 2010

Truman VS "TRUEMAN' 1.4

Will the real Truman please stand up; I repeat will the real Truman please stand up! I couldn’t help but wonder after seeing the Truman show once Truman steps beyond the exit of seahaven will Truman actually like the “sick world” better than the one he was born to believe? Many thoughts wander through my mind when the movie had ended. In my opinion  is a 50/50 chance because both worlds has their pros and cons but its up to Truman who gets to decides in the outcome of the remainder of his life.
As we know Truman Burbank has not lived an ordinary life. Everything he knows is based on a lie including his friends and his world Truman soon discovers the truth about himself and decides to escape to the real world outside of seahaven. In seahaven yes I do agree it is a perfect world, but its a little to perfect to live in. Like Truman i think I would go insane in the membrane if I had to life that sort of lifestyle. Okay I’ll give it to the town of seahaven its drama free and its way different from how the real world is. But how can you go on with life not learning any morals, exploring the world meeting new people if its that
perfect? I’m not saying our worl is perfect ethier bt what so good about it we get to experience new things once in a while. The sick world can be a dangerous place but was well as a great place if you know where you are.
What if  truman actually watched our version of reality t.v? If i was truman I would get offend don’t ask I just would. The sick world has tons of reality t.v series but the difference is people signed up for it not truman thats one of the things truman would have to realize when he starts living in our world. Yes, it would be a big change from seahaven but  T.v. is T.v 
 Lets say if Truman does decide to live in the real world, people will be real up front won’t care it’s a scary place but its worth the risk seahaven is a safer place but I would understand why Truman would wanna  leave. Then again the real world  can be a positive place as well. If you meet the right people go to the right places Truman should be fine.
Truman has many reason to leave seahaven I would understand why ytuly because he was forced to live there but what lies on the other side of the exit of seahaven is  not so different they both have their pros and cons yet there are both similar in some types of ways. I still think about it, Would Truman would wanna live as Truman Burbank or would Truman would wanna live as what I ike to call him a TRUEMAN. This question to me will be forever unanswered but like I said before it’s a 50/50 chance that Truman will go back. I think since Sylvia lives outside of seahaven he probably won’t return because of her. I think that was his main reason to get out of seahaven in the first place. Who wouldn’t wanna continue trying to find a lost love? So I say The Real world wins. I think Truman should stay living there. Where everythings real he does what he pleases and he finally knows the truth without Christof stopping him.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Place in the Cave 1.3

              Who am I? Where Am I? I see a....Light!  A light of reality.
 I was introduce to a story which was called "allegory of the Cave"  in which it deals with slaves being trapped in a cave there whole lives chained up to only believe what was in front of them which was a wall with shadows. The only thing that stood behind them was a fire which made the shadows on the wall and they could see nothing else. One Prisoner had escaped and decided to walk out of the cave which he soon discovered there was a world he never thought had existed. He ran back to tell his prisoner friends but they all thought he went crazy and they decide to live the life being chained up.
In my life I feel like I am walking out into a light. I feel like my very own life has been a cave and it' s time for me to let loose and see and experience life my own way. Right now is that I'm being to see the reality of the world by doing things the way i do even it it makes me make mistakes.I feel like have to start making my own moves and explore this adventure on my own. As the prisoner, I would like to go back and tell my friends what I'm discovering so far.I may not be old enough but I would like for them to get a taste of  what the real world is all about. I wanna show them its not easy but at least if they have the right mind they would trust the right people.
At this stage of my life I don't know where I'm planning to go. All I know is home and my local areas,but it doesn't mean I don't wanna go beyond my horizons and try something new because I do. I would say I am some what like both the free and trapped Prisoner. I do wanna explore more but at the same time I feel like I'm so use to what I know that I'm scared. I'll continue to  look around in the amazement of the world that is being shown to me while I go.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Heroic Journey 1.2

As I awake for my usual routine of my day I had forgotten once I had to step out the threshold there was no plans of  returning home I had to continue my journey til it was done. I wasn't sure of  when the return home was but I knew if it was longer then a day it must be a very important adventure. I had to prepare my tailsman of my nessecarys my what was going to come. As i was about to exit the threshold of home I was thinking of all the things i might encounter. It did in fact scare me at first but knowing some what of  my goal had to do with Joy and happiness.
First stop, waswhat we mordern day people call school, reality,College! I had to be very cautious with my traveling plans to college because of my encounter home the day before. it took me three hours to get home which was the worst. I thanked god that i had only one class today but it was nothing. once Class was over I headed out to what I call the maze of 34th street to take a trip to Delaware,USA. As I waited for the bus, I had company,My family who waited for my arrival for the long adventure and we all had our tailsman full of our needs packed and ready to go. As the bus arrived we had a minor situtation where it almost put us in a set back. Lucky we was able to leave together.
Our as we took off i looked back and thought "well its going to be worth the trip if im traveling with beloved ones" and thats how it started. since we were all scatered in different seats throughtout the bus we used our technology of cellphones to get in contact with each other. one by one we were knocking out like flies.doozing off to sleep. Each one of us had a full busy day that we couldn't stay awake any longer, expect me. I stood awake casue usually car rides I enjoy viewing the world pass me by. It makes me think like a philosopher on what could happened, why did it happened, and what if things went a certain way. I started to take mental notes for two hours of everything I saw or would like to see or do on my adventure.
Two hours and thirty eight minutes it took to arrive at my destination I was greeted by two more family memebers i haven't seen in such a long time. There it was,the reason of my journey, My cousin carring the gift of life inside of her and us coming all this way to celebrated that gift of life. To give words of wisdom and comfort. As we entered their parked cars i couldn't help but wonder,how such a small child can maybe make a difference in the family or maybe even in life.
As we drove off we spoke about the good memories from the last time we werre united as a family.Some good some bad but when it comes down to it family will always be family. At my aunts home we all entered and claimed where each of us prepared to sleep for the night. I decided to sleep on the floor mattress, I found it  more cozy I don't know why.
It was the main day of why I came to Delaware the celebration of a new life coming into a family or as we call it now in days, A baby shower. It turned out to be touching knowing that my beloved cousin melissa had so much love and support that she had many people arrive with gifts she might need for the little new bundle of joy. We celebrated by playing games based on what to do with a baby or how big was the mother to be was. There was laughter hugs and even speeches from both future grandmothers. such a beautiful night to remember.
Once the baby shower was over we had opened gifts had hadn't been open in my aunts house. As I see my cousins face ful of joy I couldn't help but smile because of the beautiful thing that was going to be in her arms very soon. We all slept on a good note that night.
The last day, We all spent time with one other before we said our final sayonara's til next time. My aunt and my cousins had dropped us off at the bus stop and was on their way back home. As my family and I waited for the bus we recapped our weekened and laughed.The bus came and we all grabbed a seat next to each other. We were lucky this time around but not when it came to coming home. Four long hours on the road with no roadstop and alot of traffic. I usually mind these long road trips. when it goes slow but this time....I let sly.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Life without technology? No Thank you!!! 1.1

                 What can I say about the technologies now? I can say their pretty addictive. Alot has change over the years since electronics have token over in my opinion. The technology now plays a huge role in every ones life including mine in general. It effects my life in many ways because I look back and say " Wow I could've used this at this certain time". But as I continue everyday, I learn that technology comes with its cost.
       My life consists of one, A cellphone (Sidekick Lx 2009),Two A Ipod touch, and Three,My home computer. I'm always on two of those three technologies because i find them useful and entertaining. Anybody who knows me calls me a tech head because I also help them out with their own devices as well. It could be any sort of technology. It takes up alot of time but I'm use to it I guess

              If i didn't have these devices in my life anymore,wow! It would only make my life boring and lose communication with alot of people I know. I am very much dependent on my devices which to me are both good and bad. Good  because it makes life easier finding things and keeping contact with people. Its bad because I get caught up with it I lose time I need and focus that i tend to get in trouble.

           All in all I'm dependent in technology and wouldn't know what to do if there was no more technology. I'm so use to it at home and on the go that it plays a major role in my life.