Thursday, September 16, 2010

Life without technology? No Thank you!!! 1.1

                 What can I say about the technologies now? I can say their pretty addictive. Alot has change over the years since electronics have token over in my opinion. The technology now plays a huge role in every ones life including mine in general. It effects my life in many ways because I look back and say " Wow I could've used this at this certain time". But as I continue everyday, I learn that technology comes with its cost.
       My life consists of one, A cellphone (Sidekick Lx 2009),Two A Ipod touch, and Three,My home computer. I'm always on two of those three technologies because i find them useful and entertaining. Anybody who knows me calls me a tech head because I also help them out with their own devices as well. It could be any sort of technology. It takes up alot of time but I'm use to it I guess

              If i didn't have these devices in my life anymore,wow! It would only make my life boring and lose communication with alot of people I know. I am very much dependent on my devices which to me are both good and bad. Good  because it makes life easier finding things and keeping contact with people. Its bad because I get caught up with it I lose time I need and focus that i tend to get in trouble.

           All in all I'm dependent in technology and wouldn't know what to do if there was no more technology. I'm so use to it at home and on the go that it plays a major role in my life.

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