Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Place in the Cave 1.3

              Who am I? Where Am I? I see a....Light!  A light of reality.
 I was introduce to a story which was called "allegory of the Cave"  in which it deals with slaves being trapped in a cave there whole lives chained up to only believe what was in front of them which was a wall with shadows. The only thing that stood behind them was a fire which made the shadows on the wall and they could see nothing else. One Prisoner had escaped and decided to walk out of the cave which he soon discovered there was a world he never thought had existed. He ran back to tell his prisoner friends but they all thought he went crazy and they decide to live the life being chained up.
In my life I feel like I am walking out into a light. I feel like my very own life has been a cave and it' s time for me to let loose and see and experience life my own way. Right now is that I'm being to see the reality of the world by doing things the way i do even it it makes me make mistakes.I feel like have to start making my own moves and explore this adventure on my own. As the prisoner, I would like to go back and tell my friends what I'm discovering so far.I may not be old enough but I would like for them to get a taste of  what the real world is all about. I wanna show them its not easy but at least if they have the right mind they would trust the right people.
At this stage of my life I don't know where I'm planning to go. All I know is home and my local areas,but it doesn't mean I don't wanna go beyond my horizons and try something new because I do. I would say I am some what like both the free and trapped Prisoner. I do wanna explore more but at the same time I feel like I'm so use to what I know that I'm scared. I'll continue to  look around in the amazement of the world that is being shown to me while I go.

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